
At Sacred Business Solutions, my mission is to make a lasting impact in the world by helping to awaken and empower a billion people.

More specifically, I want to help people be able to distinguish between their egos and their true selves, so they can use both more effectively in making better choices and leading healthier lives.

The end result hopefully will be a world in which we're supporting each other, and being kind to animals and the planet instead of causing harm.

For me, this mission is part of my spiritual path, just like building this business is part of my spiritual path.

And I know that I can't achieve this mission alone, I'll need the help of lots of people. That's why through Sacred Business Solutions, I'm committed to supporting other entrepreneurs and business owners who also want to heal our people and our planet through their products, services and other responsible initiatives.

So if the idea of somehow awakening a billion people excites you and maybe even lights your soul on fire, then please reach out and let's find a way to make a positive impact together:-)

The Mission Reveals Itself...

So how did I come to have this mission and why is it so important to me?

Well, firstly, I might as well tell you that this mission scares me big time because for the longest time, I couldn't even bring myself to say it out loud.

I worried what people would think of me and who am I to dream like this and how am I possibly going to achieve this...

With hindsight, it's clear that these weren't the best questions.

At the time, imposter syndrome had me struggling and stuck for so many decades that I don't really remember life without it.

However, that being said, I would still force myself to do things I didn't want to do.

Hard work and pushing myself seems to be a learned behavior that's very ingrained in me, but I discovered the hard way that working hard can only take us so far.

So I crashed and burned and it's been the most humbling years of my life as severe health, financial and life challenges threatened to obliterate me.

It was during this time,

that this mission found me

and now it seeks to be manifested:-)

The Dark Side Of Yes...

You may have heard the saying that when you make a firm decision, providence moves.....

I believe that, and because there's always more than meets the eye...

We may see providence moving in ways that can seem terrifying.

As my former life went up in flames, I was in for one rude awakening after another.

Thankfully, though, at a certain point, I could feel the energies of a phoenix rising, but it wasn't happening fast enough for me, if you know what I mean:-).

Often when we hear of phoenix rising,

it may seem glamorous, but I can tell you that it's not.

The ego tried to control even this process;-(

But, I guess there are some things you can't control.

Even though I knew this,

there were times when I felt desperate

and I just couldn't sit around waiting for rock bottom

because to me, every new bottom felt like this might be "IT",

but to my surprise, there would be another bottom and then another...

I'm amazed at what we humans can hold and I'm also amazed at how blinded we can be.

When I realized that my identity and my ways of being were keeping me stuck,

I unfortunately tried to create a new identity.

As you can tell, I had a lot of learning to do....;-)

For me, the dark night of the soul continued for years

and no matter what I did, the phoenix wouldn't rise.

It had its own timing:-) .

You may have heard the saying that when you make a decision, providence moves.....

I believe that, and because there's always more than meets the eye...we may see providence moving in ways that are scary.

As my former life went up in flames, I was in for one rude awakening after another.

Thankfully, though, at a certain point, I could feel the energies of a phoenix rising, but it wasn't happening fast enough for me, if you know what I mean:-).

Often when we hear of phoenix rising, it may seem glamorous, but I can tell you that it's not.

So I tried to control even this process.

But, I guess there are some things you can't control.

Even though I knew this, since I was in a desperate situation, I just couldn't sit around waiting for rock bottom because to me, every new bottom felt like this might be it, but then there would be more and more still.

I'm amazed at what we humans can hold and I'm also amazed at how blinded we can be.

When I realized that my identity and my ways of being were keeping me stuck, I unfortunately tried to create a new identity.

All this to say, that I had a lot of learning to do....

For me, the dark night of the soul continued for years and no matter what I did, the phoenix wouldn't rise.

It had its own timing:-) .

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